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Water for Life ... An Honest Blog
Jul 5, 20194 min read
Arsenic - A Cautionary Tale
When news broke last month about arsenic detected in some bottled waters sold at Walmart, Whole Foods and Target, I set out to research more
Jun 11, 20194 min read
Bottled Water: The Honest Truth or a Marketing Lie?
Poland Spring water really comes from a spring or from other sources and alleges the company is fraudulently using the term “spring water”,
May 8, 20196 min read
A Girl Has No Name… and she buys bottled water.
So, I have a good friend, someone who is such a good friend, that she will probably read this, and know she’s the subject matter for today’s
Apr 17, 20197 min read
Observing Earth Day 2019
Earth Day is coming up, and through the next two weeks more than a billion people in 192 countries will observe this special day. We observe
Apr 1, 20194 min read
Between 1990 and 2005, sales of water in plastic bottles has quadrupled. These bottles are disposable one-time use plastic that cost money,
Mar 18, 20194 min read
Do I choose a Plastic, Metal or Glass reusable water bottle?
So you have your amazing, on-demand, at home drinking water installed. What type of water bottles should you choose for you and your family?
Feb 28, 20194 min read
Is all Alkaline Water Equal?
When it comes to Alkaline water, or Alkaline diets, there are basically three points of view…people who love it, those who haven’t heard abo
Feb 5, 20195 min read
On Monday Senator Chuck Schumer held a press conference in Long Island directly addressing the EPA and limits on PFOS & PFOA's in water
Jan 25, 20196 min read
A Tall Glossary Of Water
In a world where Sales and Marketing take the top spot in most companies, more and more focus is spent on creating buzz words, and spinning
Dec 19, 20184 min read
Our message, is inspired by the 60 minutes documentary this past week. Sometimes someone else says something better than you can....
Nov 14, 20186 min read
What is an Alkaline Diet, and why is it good for me?
As we are celebrating Healthy Eating Month, we want to take a moment to focus on how drinking more water, specifically more alkaline and...
Oct 26, 20184 min read
Boil Water Advisory: What do I do?
If you are reading this then you most likely have encountered a recent Boil water advisory in your area. What does this mean, what should...
Oct 19, 20186 min read
Documenting Hope: For Our Children, For Our Planet
This week, we are sharing an article by Beth Lambert, founder of Epidemic Answers, a nonprofit established to better understand chronic...
Oct 1, 20184 min read
OF ALL EVILS: Plastic Changed Our World
Mostly everyone over a certain age will remember The Graduate - 1967, and the scene where Mr. Maguire approaches Ben Braddock - played by...
Sep 20, 20184 min read
Tap Water vs Bottled Water
They say “Knowledge is Power”, but boy sometimes that knowledge can be scary! Here is something to consider…drinking water everywhere is...
Sep 6, 20183 min read
What's In Your Water?
Drinking water is not created equal, and the quality of the water you are willing to drink depends on where you live. Water is vital for...
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